Tuesday January 25th 2021 | 20:00-21:30 | Online via Zoom: https://us06web.zoom.us/j/81464146288?pwd=TFlRc3RjalJqeExZakgrY3FCQjZGUT09
How can we work towards a positive environment in which everyone feels safe? This will be the leading question of our talk ‘Social Safety: Towards a Positive Environment’ on January 25th. As part of our Social Safety themedweek Sabrina van den Brink and Tom Buster from action group ‘Wangedrag’ will tell us more about the importance of social safety and the importance of it in our daily lives. Action group Wangedrag is working to end (sexual) misconduct at Dutch universities for which they are currently focussing on the improvement of institutional responses to complaints. What is the role of Universities in creating a safe environment? What are the current problems and how can those be solved? Those are examples of difficult, but important questions that will be answered during the talk.
The original speaker of this talk, Amma Asante, is unable to come due to personal circumstances.