Wissel ALV
Wissel ALV

Wissel ALV

Every year an enthusiastic board is committed to ensuring that SIB-Utrecht organizes substantive and fun activities. There are six board members on the board, each of whom is responsible for specific tasks. They are supported in their duties by the board committees; these are the executive committees for Internal Affairs, for External Affairs, for Acquisition and for Promotion & Sponsoring. The board supports committees and societies. During the general members' assembly (GMA), the board is accountable for its activities.

The XXXIXth board of the Dutch United Nations Student Association has constituted itself August 31th 2019:

Voorzitter & Commissaris Acquisitie: Aiso van Leeuwe –  aisovanleeuwe[at]sib-utrecht.nl
Secretaris: Madio Seck –  madioseck[at]sib-utrecht.nl
Penningmeester & Commissaris Sponsoring: Annika Boekenstijn –  annikaboekenstijn[at]sib-utrecht.nl
Commissaris voor Interne Zaken: David van Thiel –  Davidvanthiel[at]sib-utrecht.nl
Commissaris voor Externe Zaken: Robert Groenewege –  robertgroenewege[at]sib-utrecht.nl
Commissaris voor Promotie: Li-An Mulder –  li-anmulder[at]sib-utrecht.nl

Motto: ‘Turning the Page’