Board of Recommendation

Board of Recommendation

The Board of Recommendation consists of people who support SIB-Utrecht and who encourage its objectives and activities. Currently, the Committee of Recommendation consists of the following persons:

  • Prof. dr. Anton Pijpers (Chair Executive Board Utrecht University)
  • Mr. H. van den Broek (Minister of State)
  • Mr. J.H. Oosters (King's Commissioner of the province of Utrecht)
  • Prof. dr. J.P. Pronk (Chair Interchurch Peace Council (IKV) and former Minister for Development Cooperation)
  • Prof. dr. D.A. Hellema (Senior Professor History of International Relations)
  • Prof. dr. M. van Rossem (Extraordinary Professor History Utrecht University)
  • Dhr. Jan Bogerd MBA (Chair Executive Board Hogeschool Utrecht)
  • Prof. dr. Henk Kummeling (Rector Magnificus Universiteit Utrecht)