Open mic: For and by SIB-members
Open mic: For and by SIB-members

Open mic: For and by SIB-members

Open mic | Tuesday 21st of May | 20:00 | Cafe de Beuntjes

Are you passionate ❤‍🔥 about a particular topic? Do you have knowledge or experiences 🧠 you’re eager to share with your fellow SIB-members? Here’s your chance to take the stage and shine! 🤩

We’re thrilled to announce a unique opportunity for all members of our association to showcase their expertise in the annual Open Mic. 🎤 Whether you’re an expert in your field, have a fascinating hobby, or a unique perspective to offer, we invite you to take part and inspire others with your insights. 🤓

What to give a short Talk? You can sign-up here: