January 11th 2022 | 20:00-21:30 | Online via Zoom: https://us06web.zoom.us/j/82294086558?pwd=N2ZiajlYT1RqOER5S0V0TnNSRjhlUT09
Every year approximately 15.000 people in the Netherlands are diagnosed with breast cancer. The chances of surviving breast cancer has increased during the last 60 years, which is partly due to new research. Matti Rookus is one of the headfigures in doing research on this form of cancer. Within her research she tries to determine what the exact risk factors for breast cancer are. She will explain how certain risk factors cause different hormone levels in the blood, which at their turn affect the risk of breast cancer. What does her research look like? And what can we learn from the results? Is it really possible to decrease the risk of breast cancer? Those are examples of questions that will be discussed during the talk on January 11th 2022.