Become a member

Dear (almost) member!

Becoming a member means you can participate in our activities, societies, trips, become a member of a committee and vote in our member assemblies. You will also be kept up to date on all activities throughout the year so you won’t have to miss out on anything.

The membership fee is €70,00 for a full year.

If you sign up in the latter half of the academic year (between the 28th of February and the 1st of July) you pay €35,00 for that academic year.

In the following form you can fill out all the details we need so you can become a member at SIB

I don’t have an IBAN / European bank account

You can fill in ‘I will contact you’ in the ‘IBAN’ field. Please send us an e-mail at with payment options that are possible for you (e.g. cash, Wise, and PayPal). We will then come back to you about what works for us too 🙂

1. Basic information
First Name
Last Name
Phone number
Date of birth (dd-mm-yyy)
2. Financial

The following details are necessary for our financial administration. The ‘Educational institution’ question allows us to report accurate numbers for acquiring funding, it does not affect your registration.

Postal code
House number

Don’t have an IBAN / European bank account?
You can fill in ‘I will contact you’ in the ‘IBAN’ field. Please send us an e-mail at with payment options that are possible for you (e.g. cash, Wise and PayPal). We will then come back to you about what works for us too 🙂
BIC / SWIFT (non-Dutch bank accounts)
If you have a Dutch bank account, you can leave this field empty!
Educational institution

3. Preferences
Do you want to receive physical post cards? (e.g. for Christmas)


Do you speak Dutch?

4. Emergency contact person
ECP Name
ECP Phone number
5. Miscellaneous
How did you learn about SIB?
(1-2 words or more)
Do you have any allergies or dietary preferences?
Do you have any medical conditions that we need to know about?
(of course this information will be confidential)
Any other comments?
6. Agreements
Membership deal

If the membership deal is not valid at the moment of registration, we will assume ‘no deal’.

I give SIB permission to use visual and audio material in which I occur identifiably

You can change your permission at any moment by sending us an e-mail requesting this.

The form has been submitted successfully!
There has been some error while submitting the form. Please refresh the page, verify all form fields again, and resubmit the form.

You can now review the entire form and click Submit.

To cancel your membership send an email to
The cancellation deadline is the 31st of July. After this, the membership will be automatically renewed for another full academic year (September to August).
For the summer deals the cancellation deadline is the 31st of December.

After submitting, you will receive an automatic confirmation e-mail. Please check you spam folder too. Didn’t receive it? Send us an e-mail at