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Our talks

SIB-Utrecht organises a talk every other Tuesday with drinks afterwards. You are welcome to join even if you are not a member of SIB yet! Click here for an overview of our talks.

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Our activities

Technology plays a big part in our lives, but can it have a downside? What will the future hold in
It started with a nice walk in the woods, but it was followed by a disaster. You and your friends
Classical music, what does that actually mean? What does the word 'classical' mean to you? The Arts and Culture Society

Latest news

Elk jaar zet een enthousiast bestuur zich in om te zorgen dat SIB-Utrecht inhoudelijke en gezellige activiteiten neerzet. In het
Haal alles uit je studentenleven!Met de studentenkortingsapp Knaek ontvang je de hoogste studentenkortingen in Utrecht, alle andere studentensteden van Nederland

Our partners